We take great efforts to educate our customers and employees to keep up with the technological changes around them.
385 Technology Learning Centres
Trained Participants
Being a “Smart” Bank with multiple digital channels is not enough. There are many who feel left behind with the fast pace of change we see all around. Many customers still visit branches for their routine transactions because they feel electronic channels are complex and risky. We need to ensure that our customers are also upto date and match with what we have to offer.
At SBI, we recognise that it is our responsibility to inform and educate our customers on how to make full use of the technologies around them to make their lives easier and to help themselves for whatever banking action they need to take on a 24X7 basis. With the main objective of imparting financial literacy and facilitating effective use of financial services by the common man, we have set up 385 Technology Learning Centres (TLCs) across the length & breadth of the country for conducting interactive learning sessions and demos of the Bank’s various tech-channels. Now, thousands of our customers are adopting digital channels more than ever before.
On the other side, keeping our own people upto speed with the latest trends, methods and new technologies is crucial if we are to maintain our peer position in digital banking. SBI is judiciously leveraging on-line platforms to impart knowledge and educate its workforce. During the year, we established a e-library of on-line lessons, through which we have trained more than 2,79,000 participants. These included hundreds of ‘e-Lessons’, ‘Mobile Nuggets’ ‘e-Capsules’, case studies, research projects and e-publications on our learning portal ‘Gyanodaya’. Now, with mandatory training hours required of every SBI employee, we are ensuring that we ourselves are fully equipped to the best banking practices in all spheres of our operations.