Your Bank is a valuable partner to Corporate India. We offer comprehensive banking solutions for the financial needs of our clients through our network of dedicated relationship teams, and the expertise to customise our products for client-specific requirements.
The Corporate Banking business of your Bank has had another successful year, gaining share and witnessing healthy remodelling by focusing on well rated corporates and quality transactions.
Our Wholesale Banking business focuses on servicing corporate customers, through customised financial solutions. It comprises of teams focused on specific areas to facilitate specialisation and customisation of products offered to our clients.
In line with the changing banking landscape, we have remodelled our Corporate Banking structure and credit dispensation process. Consequently, Corporate Accounts Group (CAG) now handles toprated Business Groups, while other Corporate accounts are handled in Corporate Clients’ Group (CCG) vertical. In addition to credit relationships, we are focussing on credit light sectors, such as the Pharmaceutical, FMCG, and IT sectors, among others, through our newly established Credit Light Group (CLG) for non Interest Income as well as low cost deposits. Furthermore, the CAG aims to leverage its corporate relationships to improve the value of relationships by increasing the penetration of fund-based, non-fund-based, and fee-based non-credit products. For the year under review, the total outstanding loans to clients in the CAG stood at ₹4,06,645 crore and ₹1,75,185 crore, with respect to non-fundbased products. CAG has also been instrumental and a coparticipant in the development of schemes of the Government for supporting infrastructure projects on Roads and Ports, improving connectivity and also contributing to ease of business in the Power sector with the Government’s Saubhagya Scheme of providing power to all households by March 2019. The Bank has actively participated in Renewable Energy projects, including wind power, solar roof top and hydro projects, amongst others, for sustainability. The Bank is also actively involved in funding other infrastructure projects such as Airports and Metro Rails, selectively.
Going forward, our strategy is to focus on investment grade companies and issuers. Additionally, with our tailormade Account Management plans to address specific client needs, we foresee higher growth rates and increasing market share in this vertical.
The banking scenario is changing and technology is revolutionising the way customers engage with their financiers. We offer technological products to our Corporate customers and use a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application for customer management to meet the rapidly changing dynamics of the customer bank relationships.