Responsible Approach
An Inclusive Workplace

Your Bank continuously works to cultivate a conducive environment, streamline processes to boost employee productivity and satisfaction and foster a sense of pride in belonging to the SBI family. Your Bank continuously reviews the HR policies to adapt them to the changing scenarios. Embracing the digital shift, your Bank integrates IT across all functions to provide employees with seamless experience, ultimately enhancing productivity.


Being the largest public sector bank in the industry with a robust career advancement policy, attracting top talent from the market is not a challenge for your Bank. As a part of its recruitment process, your Bank reaches out to a broad pool of candidates using digital platforms widely. Advertisements are published on job portals and in our social media handles. Making use of social and digital media in the hiring process has enabled your Bank to reach out to a large pool of tech-savvy aspiring candidates.

Training Hours per Employee in FY2024
Reservations and Equal Opportunity

Your Bank meticulously follows the GoI directives on Reservation Policy for SC/ST/OBC/EWSs/PWD. Your Bank has representation from SC, ST, OBCs and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) among all the cadres of its workforce. Your Bank has implemented reservation to Economically Weaker Sections in direct recruitment w.e.f. 1st February 2019 in terms of the GoI guidelines. Similarly, the Reservation in Promotion for PwBDs up to the lowest rung in Group-A i.e. up to JMGS-I has been implemented since 17.05.2022.

0 Lakh
Employees trained in FY2024
Gender Diversity

Gender sensitivity and inclusiveness have always been the cornerstone of your Bank’s HR policy. The representation of women in the total workforce is 27% as on 31.03.2024. Women employees are employed across all geographies at various levels of hierarchy.

Share of Women Employees in FY2024

Representation as on 31.03.2024

* Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)