State Government Salary Package

Salary Accounts under

State Government Salary Package (SGSP)

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State Government Salary Package (SGSP)

Permanent employees of state government, Union territories and state boards etc. in States in Union Territories, Including Teachers/Professors of aided School, Colleges, Universities, etc. can avail of Salary Accounts under State Government Salary Package (SGSP)

Eligibility as per Net Monthly Salary

  • Silver: 10,000/- up to 25,000/-
  • Gold: > 25,000/- up to 50,000/-
  • Diamond: > 50,000/- up to 1,00,000/-
  • Platinum: > 1,00,000/- up to 2,00,000/-
  • Rhodinum: > 2,00,000/-
  • Benefits to the Employer
    • Hassle-free account opening process. On request, our officials will visit your premises to on-board your employees. Employees can also opt to open their accounts online or by visiting the nearest branch.
    • A convenient way to manage salaries across a large number of centres, through the Bank's award-winning Corporate Internet Banking.
    • Online facilities reduce paperwork and salary administration cost. Enjoy instant credit of salaries to your employees' accounts.
    • Zero charge for salary disbursement.
    • Equipping your employees with a power-packed Salary Account that is trusted by the largest organisations in India.
  • Benefits to the Employee

    The offerings mentioned above are generic in nature and may vary from state to state. Salary account holders are advised to contact their home branch for offerings pertaining to their respective states.

    Note 1: Benefits under salary package are subject to classification of Savings Bank Account to respective Salary Package and Variant in banks system. All Customers Drawing Salary through SBI Accounts are required to apply along with proof of Salary and Proof of employment to their home branch for conversion of savings account to respective Salary Package/Variant ((Conversion Forms). Account holders are required to verify classification of their accounts under respective package/variant from the name of package / variant printed on first page of their bank passbook / statement.


    Note 2: In case, monthly salary is not credited into the account for more than 3 consecutive months, the account will be converted to normal savings account and all the features offered under Salary Package will stand withdrawn. All the Charges shall be levied as applicable to normal Savings Bank Account.

    Note 3: The Salary Package is being offered to the employees by the Bank as a comprehensive solution for the purpose of providing various banking services and associated features are not intended for mobilization of deposits from them.

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