Finance to Start-ups (MSME UDAAN)
Objective/ Purpose :To provide financial assistance to Start-ups in MSME for their various requirements as below:
- 1. Prototype creation, product / website / app development
- 2. Team hiring
- 3. Legal and consulting services
- 4. Raw material and equipment’s
- 5. Licenses and certifications
- 6. Marketing and Sales
- 7. Purchase / Leasing of Office spaces and administrative expenses
- Target Group :
- Start-ups which are classified as MSME and registered with / recognised by DPIIT, Govt. of India.
- Start-ups having sustainable business model & established Proof of Concept (a general approach that involves testing a certain assumption in order to obtain confirmation that the idea is feasible, viable and applicable in practice)
- Facilities Available :Term Loan, Working Capital (fund based/ non-fund based / CEL)
- Quantum of Loan:Maximum: Rs.50 Crores, categorised into two:
- i. Upto Rs.50 lakhs
- ii. >50 lakhs – 50 Crs
- Pricing : Attractive Interest rates based on rating of the Borrower/ External Rating or as per Scheme Specific Rating (if applicable) or as per extant guidelines of the Bank.
EBR (Linked to Repo Rate and Currently EBR is Repo Rate + 2.65%) linked (for MSMEs) & 6 months MCLR linked (for Non-MSMEs) - Borrower's Margin / Contribution :
- Loans upto Rs.10 lakhs – NIL
- Loans above Rs.10 lakhs
- Term Loan: As per the Debt: Equity specified under the Product.
- Working Capital: Min. 25% on Stocks & Receivables, if any.
Repayment Period:
- Door-to-Door repayment shall be 120 months (Maximum) including moratorium period.
- Bullet repayment may be allowed.
- Processing Fee/ Upfront Fee :As per Bank's extant guidelines
- Other Charges :NA
Special Feature :
- Financing under the Product will be done only by select Branches (to be identified and authorised by the Circle).
- The Start-up accounts which have been financed so far under Bank’s usual credit dispensation shall be migrated to the identified / designated Start-up Branches, so as to offer dedicated value added services and cater to the entire value chain / ecosystem.
- The Start-up should be registered as MSME having valid Udyam Registration Certificate.
- The Start-up should be registered with / recognized by DPIIT, Government of India, with the following characteristics:
- Constitution: Public or Private Limited Company, Registered Partnership, or a Limited Liability Partnership.
- Age: Up to 10 years from the date of incorporation/registration
- Turnover: Not to exceed Rs.100 crores in any of the Financial Years after incorporation / registration.
- Attributes: Working towards innovation, development or improvement of products/processes/services or if it is scalable business model with high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
- Others: Should not have been formed by splitting or reconstructing an already existing business.
- The Start-up should have the support of recognized Incubator / Accelerator / Investors, available as per the Start-up India portal.
- The equity portion of Start-up shall be fully tied-up.
Terms & Conditions
- Primary Security:
- Hypothecation of Assets financed by the Bank.
- Hypothecation of Stocks & Receivables
- Charge on Intellectual Property Rights (if financed by Bank).
- Right /Lien on all Products/Patents/Copyrights and Results created out of Bank Finance, in consultation with empanelled reputed Law Firm / Law Dept. of the Bank.
- Collateral Security:
a) Loans upto Rs.50 lakhs:- To be covered under CGTMSE / CGSS
- If CGTMSE / CGSS coverage is not available, Min. 25% tangible collateral security to be obtained.
- Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) investment is compulsory
- To be covered under CGTMSE / CGSS
- If CGTMSE / CGSS coverage is not available, Min. 25% tangible collateral security to be obtained
- Guarantee: Personal Guarantee of all Promoters
- Processing charges: NIL
- Inspection fees / Commitment charges / Pre-payment charges: NIL
Last Updated On : Thursday, 08-02-2024

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above
एसएमई ऋण

Loans to MSMEs above ₹10 Lakh to ₹5 crore [SME e-Smart Score]

Loans to MSMEs above ₹10.00 Lakh to ₹5 crore sourced through CLP [Marketplace]

Loan Against Property upto Rs.5 Cr- ABL (Saral)

Loan Against Property above Rs.5 Cr- ABL (SME)

Loan Against Property for Commercial Estate- ABL CRE (SME)

Loans to Defence Canteens- SBI Shaurya Maan

Supply Chain Finance for Dealers (eDFS)

Supply Chain Finance for Vendors (eVFS)

Small Loan upto Rs.10.00 lakh- SME Credit Card

Loans to MSMEs Above Rs.10 lakh- Rs.50 Lakh

Loans for Commercial Vehicle/Fleet Finance

Loans for Commercial Vehicle [Rs.10 lakh-Rs.50 lakh]

Loans to Units engaged in Marble and Stone activity [SME Marble Plus]

Loans to Healthcare Industry and Medical Equipment Finance

Loans for Food Processing Industries

SBI EV Mitra: Finance to EV Public Charging Infrastructure

Loans for setting up of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plants

Loans for setting up of Bio-fuels extraction plant


Loan against Warehouse Receipts [WHR Finance]

- Features
- Eligibility
- Terms and Conditions

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above