Commercial Loans - International Banking
Commercial Loans

Commercial Loans
Commercial Loans
Whether you are expanding global footprint or looking for short-term financing to fulfil your local working capital needs, we provide you with the right set of specialized credit packages. Our expertise is drawn from our extensive India based operations that makes us India's largest lender. From pharmaceuticals to gems & jewellery and from infrastructure to hospitality, our range of services and offerings span every industry and sector. Facilitating excellence is our forte and we are the foremost Indian provider of financial solutions worldwide.
Our Offerings
Our Foreign Offices undertake a wide range of lending activities, the important ones being:
- Working capital financing / Revolving credit facilities (RCF) .
- Global working capital limits for subsidiaries, JVs of Indian companies.
- Syndication of loans and participation in Syndicated loans led by other banks, including risk participation, to Indian and non-Indian corporates.
- Term Loans and Deferred Payment Guarantees.
- Foreign currency term loans/working capital loans to non-resident companies against deferred payment guarantees/Letters of Comfort (LOCs)/Standby Letters of Credit (SLCs) from other approved banks/Bank's Indian offices.
- Trade related financing of foreign entities doing business with India.
- Loans to individuals/different business entities against liquid/transferable securities.
- Loans for Acquisition of Foreign companies by Indian companies under merger, acquisition or scheme of amalgamation.
- Loans against specified security (for e.g. term deposits) as defined by the Bank.
- Loans against goods and book debts/pledge/hypothecation/charge/lien over assets or documents of title thereto.
- Letter of Credit/LC-cum-Trust Receipt facility
- Advances against bills (demand and usance) clean and documentary.
- Issue of stand-by LCs and ordinary guarantees/letters of indemnity.
- For your commercial credit needs please contact nearest Foreign Office of the Bank or
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Chief General Manager
(International Banking)
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General Manager
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Salient features of SBI Loan facility to Sri Lanka
Last Updated On : Monday, 04-03-2024

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above
Credit finance

- Features
- Eligibility
- Terms and Conditions

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above