E-Vendor Finance Scheme - MSME Loan / SME Loan Scheme | SBI - Business
E Vendor Finance Scheme
Objective/ Purpose
Financing receivables of recommended vendors of reputed Corporates/ Industry Majors (IMs). Web based solution for Invoice Discounting with minimal branch intervention and provides instant credit to vendors account electronically.
- Existing borrowers of Bank with continuously making profit for last 3 years
- Minimum Turnover Size for IM: Rs. 300 Cr and above
- External rating
For Existing Borrower/Customer
1. ECR: Minimum BBB (Provided ECR is Continuously BBB/BBB+ for past 3 years)
2. Internal rating: Minimum SB7
For Non-Borrower/Customer
1.ECR: Minimum AA - IMs total vendor base at least 25
- Outstanding Sundry Creditors not to exceed three months purchase.
- Type of Facility : Cash Credit (Clean)
- Target Group: Vendors of reputed Industry Majors/ Corporates with whom the Bank has tie-up arrangement.
- Quantum of loan (Min/Max) : Need Based
- Margin (%) : Nil
- Pricing : Competitive Pricing Linked to EBR(Repo rate+2.65%)/T- Bill (Depends on ECR)
- Collateral Security : Nil
- Repayment Period : According to tenor of the receivables (Max 180 days)
- Processing Fee/Upfront Fee : Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 30,000/- (Depending upon the quantum of finance)
Terms and Conditions Other Conditions
- Transactions are done on Internet Banking Platform of the bank (no cheque book required) & which results in easy, convenient & hassle-free banking facilities to all stake holders i.e. Bank, IM & Dealer.
- There are 2 variants under e-VFS:
- Vendor Exposure: Financing will be made to the vendors against the supply of goods/services to reputed Corporates/IMs.
- IM Exposure: Financing will be made to the reputed corporate/IMs for payment towards the supply received from their vendors.
- Industry Scenario to be considered / RMD guidelines will be referred.
Last Updated On : Thursday, 08-02-2024

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above
एसएमई ऋण

Loans to MSMEs above ₹10 Lakh to ₹5 crore [SME e-Smart Score]

Loans to MSMEs above ₹10.00 Lakh to ₹5 crore sourced through CLP [Marketplace]

Loan Against Property upto Rs.5 Cr- ABL (Saral)

Loan Against Property above Rs.5 Cr- ABL (SME)

Loan Against Property for Commercial Estate- ABL CRE (SME)

Loans to Defence Canteens- SBI Shaurya Maan

Supply Chain Finance for Dealers (eDFS)

Supply Chain Finance for Vendors (eVFS)

Small Loan upto Rs.10.00 lakh- SME Credit Card

Loans to MSMEs Above Rs.10 lakh- Rs.50 Lakh

Loans for Commercial Vehicle/Fleet Finance

Loans for Commercial Vehicle [Rs.10 lakh-Rs.50 lakh]

Loans to Units engaged in Marble and Stone activity [SME Marble Plus]

Loans to Healthcare Industry and Medical Equipment Finance

Loans for Food Processing Industries

SBI EV Mitra: Finance to EV Public Charging Infrastructure

Loans for setting up of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plants

Loans for setting up of Bio-fuels extraction plant


Loan against Warehouse Receipts [WHR Finance]

- Features
- Eligibility
- Terms and Conditions

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above