
Search module to find the details for Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividends

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  • All input fields are mandatory.
  • In the first input field, please enter 8-digits share folio no. [if the shares were in physical form] or 16 characters Depository Participant ID & Client ID starting with 'IN' [if the account is with NSDL] or 16 digits Beneficial Owner Identification Number (BOID) [if the account is with CDSL].
  • In the second field, please enter investor first name or middle name or last name or 10 characters PAN.
  • If you are unable to find any data with one input combination, then please try to input other combination. For example. If you are not finding any data by entering Folio No. and PAN then try with Folio No. and investor First Name.
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