FAQ SBI Cashplus Scheme - Faq's
FAQ SBI Cashplus Scheme
A. ATM - cum - debit card is an access device that allows you to access your bank accounts from anywhere, anytime. With your SBI ATM - cum - debit card you can:
- Use all the networked ATMs of SBI for the complete range of ATM services, free of cost to you.
- Use the ATMs belonging to the MasterCard Network of ATMs in India and around the world for cash withdrawals and balance enquiries at nominal cost. Just look for the Cirrus logos on ATM centres to identify the ATM at which you can use your ATM - cum - debit card.
- Use the SBI ATM - cum - debit card at no cost (except for service tax for purchase of Petrol) for making purchases of goods and services at Maestro Merchant Establishments (MEs) in India. Just look for the Maestro logo at these MEs.
A. An ATM card allows you to access your bank account from the bank's own network of ATMs for a range of services. The SBI ATM - cum - debit card will allow you to do the following:
- Use it like an ATM card at all networked ATMs of SBI for the complete range of services.
- Use the card for cash withdrawals and balance enquiries from the MasterCard Network of ATMs in the country.
- Use the card for purchases of goods and services from Maestro MEs.
Initially we were issuing ATM cards. But now we are issuing only ATM-cum-ATM - cum - debit cards. ATM cards issued earlier have since been replaced with ATM-cum-ATM - cum - debit cards.
A. The SBI ATM-cum-ATM - cum - debit card is a Personal Identification Number (PIN) based card. Access to your bank account from ATMs and Maestro /Mastercard / VISA MEs will be allowed to you only after you key in your confidential PIN that would be known only to you. Even the bank will not know your PIN and therefore your ATM - cum - debit card is completely safe and secure (like an ATM card).
To ensure that your card cannot be misused, please memorise your PIN and do not disclose youre PIN to anyone.
A. You can use your SBI ATM-cum- ATM - cum - debit card as follows:
- Use it at all networked ATMs of SBI for the complete range of services,
- Use the card for cash withdrawals and balance enquiries from the MasterCard Network of ATMs in the country. There are over 61900 ATMs in India To identify the ATM closest to you, you may make use of the 'ATM Locator' in the following sites: www.mastercardonline.com , www.visaonline.com, www.sbi.co.in.
- Use the card for purchases of goods and services from Maestro / Mastercard / VISA MEs in India. There are over 23,000 Maestro MEs in India.
A. Your SBI ATM - cum - debit card is a online, PIN Based ATM - cum - debit card that will provide you online access to your bank account from anywhere in the country, anytime. Therefore, your account will be debited on-line as soon as the card is used at Maestro / MASTERCARD, / VISA MEs.
A. Yes. You would get a transaction receipt for the transaction conducted at ATMs, while at MEs you would get a copy of the charge-slip for your records. Also, the transaction details will appear in your account statement to enable you to identify transactions conducted using the SBI ATM cum - ATM - cum - debit card.
A. A credit card allows you to make purchases from MEs and cash withdrawals against payments to be made by you on a future date. There are significant charges levied on a Credit Card, which you will incur irrespective of whether you use it, or not. A Credit Card is best used when you need to avail of a line of credit to tide over temporary liquidity requirements.
The SBI ATM - cum - debit card is offered to you at no cost to you. The card will offer you the same functionalities of a Credit Card for making purchases of goods and services and cash withdrawals at ATMs with the difference being that the debit will happen to your account and not to a Credit Card account. The ATM - cum - debit card will enable to manage your finances better by preventing over-spending and expensive charges which are possible while using a Credit Card. There is no cost of carrying and transacting with ATM - cum - debit card. For credit cards generally there are application fee, annual charges and credit carry forward charges at 2.5-3% p.m.
A. PIN or Personal Identification Number is a confidential number that would be known only to you. The PIN replaces the physical signature in an electronic environment. PIN can be used only together with the card. Therefore, even if the card is lost, there is no possibility of misuse of the card since the PIN will be known only to you. In that sense, PIN is safer than signature, since signatures can be reproduced by forgery.
A. The ME would have a PIN Pad attached to the Point of Sale Terminal. Please tell the ME that you are paying by your SBI ATM - cum - debit card. The ME would then enter "0" for ATM - cum - debit card and give you the PIN Pad for you to enter your PIN. Enter "1" for Savings account or "2" for Current Account and the PIN (as you would in an ATM) and the transaction would then get completed in the normal course.
A. When you use the SBI ATM - cum - debit card at ATMs or MEs, the transaction is transmitted to the branch where your account is maintained. If you have entered your PIN correctly and the balance in your account covers the transaction value then an approval is sent back to the Point of Interaction after your account is automatically debited and the transaction is then completed. If you have entered an incorrect PIN or/and if the balance in your account is insufficient to cover the transaction value then the transaction is declined and your account is not debited.
A. There are no charges for using your SBI ATM - cum - debit card at SB Group ATMs and MEs (except for the purchase of Petrol - Surcharge of 2.5% and Railway Tickets - Surcharge of INR 30 per ticket). For cash withdrawals at ATMs not owned by SBI, a nominal charge of INR 20/- per cash withdrawal (it is free for first 5 withdrawals in a month for SB account holders only) and there are no charges for balance enquiry.
A. You can inform your branch and apply for a new card and we will arrange to issue a new card to you.
A. You can inform your branch and apply for a new card and we will arrange to issue a new card to you.
A. Yes if the account is operated by E or S.
A. Not necessarily.
A. Yes.
A. You can use the SBI ATM - cum - debit card for withdrawals of upto INR 40000 from ATMs (subject to balance being available in your account) and for purchases upto INR 50000 at MEs or to the extent of the balance in your account.
A. ATM-cum-Debit Cards can now be issued to all minors who are eligible to open and operate cheque book facility Accounts
Last Updated On : Tuesday, 17-12-2019

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above