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Strategic training Unit
Strategic Training Unit (STU) – State Bank of India
Training in State Bank of India (SBI) is a proactive, planned and continuous process and forms an integral part of organisational development. It seeks to impart knowledge, improve skills and reorient attitudes for individual growth and organisational effectiveness.
In the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world of banking today, the STU is continuously grooming the employees by skilling and reskilling. Banking is increasingly becoming more and more specialised. In SBI, we have six Apex Training Institutes (ATIs) to provide specialised training in the credit, risk, international banking, marketing, rural banking, IT, leadership and human resources areas. Each of the ATIs have been transformed into domain specific specialised outfits thus having the twin advantage of academic excellence as well as practical experience in the learning initiatives. The endeavours of ATIs are supplemented by 51 State Bank Institutes of Learning and Developments (SBILDs) spread across the country which usually delivers the basic process-centric programmes.
Award Won by Strategic Training Unit

Training History
The concept of training in State Bank of India is nearly a century old. SBI established a very elaborate training network comprising 51 Learning Centres christened as ‘State Bank Institutes of Learning and Development (SBILDs)’ at regional level and 6 top-notches ‘Apex Training Institutes (ATIs)’ developed over the years to cater to the competence building of its nearly 241,000 employees.
Evolution of Training in SBI
- 1922 – First Training for Probationary Assistants of Imperial Bank
- 1961 – 1st residential Training College SBSC Hyderabad
- 1961-2022 – 6 other ATIs and 51 Regional Learning Centres (SBILDs) across States
Apex Training Institutes (ATIs)
- State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad (1961)
- State Bank Institute of Rural Banking, Hyderabad (1981)
- State Bank Academy, Gurugram (1982)
- State Bank Institute of Innovation and Technology, Hyderabad (1987)
- State Bank Foundation Institute -Chetana, Indore (2011)
- State Bank Institute of Leadership, Kolkata (2017)
Training Philosophy
Training in the State Bank is a proactive, planned and continuous process as an integral part of organizational development. It seeks to impart knowledge, improve skills and reorient attitudes for individual growth and organizational effectiveness.
To make employees Future Ready
- Promoting Qualitative Improvements in Trainings
- Align the Trainings to the Corporate Goals
- Become Think Tank for the BFSI sector
Chairman’s Message

In the high-octane world of Banking & Finance very few Organisations can claim the longevity and influence that is SBI. Even in these turbulent times of black swan events and disruptive technologies SBI continues to be the lifeblood of the economy. The reason for SBI’s market value and staying power is not difficult to identify – it lies in the commitment to learning and rapidly transforming these lessons into competitive advantage. Indeed, learning is coded into the DNA of this organisation through a synergistic amalgamation of real-world business experiences, constant industry engagement and deep association with academic intelligentsia through Chairs funded at prestigious universities, Post-Doctoral Fellows recruited for R&D, Memorandums of Understanding penned with globally reputed institutes and trainings imparted to diverse clientele. Our training programmes enjoy the patronage of Govt. Departments, Multinationals, Banks both in India & abroad and Colleges & Universities. Going forward, we have opened our doors to the virtual community of erudite thought leaders, professionally oriented executives and organisations for sharing the lessons gleaned from training practices nearly a century in making. Our objective is to contribute towards a robust economy built by capable and well-informed individuals and establish a deeper connect with those who are giving shape to this future.
DMD (HR) & CDO Message

The capacity, capability and the competence of the employees holds the key to the growth and indeed the very existence of an organization. No one understands this better than an icon of the Indian economy which is deeply engaged in developing the potential of a quarter million employees and hundreds of thousands of external clients through its revolutionary training practices. It has been the Bank’s privilege to serve millions of knowledge seekers through a world class intellectual repository powered by 400+ experienced Bankers as faculty & content creators. They have developed thousands of proprietary case studies, white papers, exclusive training journeys and e-lessons based on authentic business issues. This rich content has been made available online to provide holistic and experiential learning to the performance-driven organisations and professionals.
CGM & HEAD (STU) Message

Training at SBI is a way of life, based on authentic understanding of not only finance but also contemporary issues like Strategic thinking, Behavioural competencies & EQ, Technology management, Information security, Grass root development, Influencer marketing, leveraging social media, Business continuity in times of pandemic etc.
Our trainings are always aligned with corporate priorities, emerging challenges and opportunities. Further, to raise the standard of learning, the Strategic Training Unit (STU) of the Bank constantly updates itself in global best practices and application of latest technologies in the learning process.
This website is a gateway for customised programmes from our 6 Apex Training Institutes, which are tailored for career- oriented individuals and organisations in BFSI sector to help them augment management capabilities with a broad set of business and economics skills.

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above