Share Holder Bond Holder Information - Investor Relations
बॉन्डधारक सूचना

Share Holder and Bondholder Information
Share Holder Information
Corporate centre, Mumbai - 400 021.
- ISR 1 Form – Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof
- ISR 2 Form - Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker
- ISR 3 Form - Declaration Form for Opting-out of Nomination by holders of physical securities in Listed Companies
- ISR 4 Form - Request for issue of Duplicate Certificate and other Service Requests
- SH-13 Form - Nomination Form
- SH-14 Form - Cancellation or Variation of Nomination
- Share/Bond Transmission Form
- Issue of Duplicate Share/Bond Certificate Form
- Deletion of Name Form
- Name correction affidavit
Important Coordinates
Shares & Bonds department
State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, 14th Floor,
State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021,
Telephones : 022 - 22740841 to 48, 41431, 41
email :
(for grievances related to Shares and Bonds issued by State Bank of India only)
Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA)
Registered Address:
KFin Technologies Limited
Unit: State Bank of India
Selenium Tower B,
Plot 31 & 32, Financial District,
Hyderabad - 500 032
Toll free: 1800 309 4001
Address of IDBI Trusteeship
IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Asian Building, Ground Floor,
17, R Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate,
Telephones : 022-40807000,
email :
Axis Trustee Services Limited
Axis House,
Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound,
Pandhurang Marg, Worli
Mumbai 400 025
Tel: +91-22-6230 0451
Shareholder Information
SEBI vide its circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD RTAMB/P/ClR/2021/655 dated 03.11.2021, has stipulated that It shall be mandatory for all holders of physical securities in listed company to furnish following documents / details to the RTA of the company.
- A. PAN
- B.Contact details: Postal address with PIN, Mobile number, E-mail address
- C.Bank account details : Bank name and branch, bank account number, IFS code to enable to pay electronically all the moneys/payments due to the shareholder(s)
- D.Specimen signature
The folios wherein updation/furnishing of PAN and KYC document / details are not available on or after October 01, 2023, shall be frozen by the RTA
SEBI vide its circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD RTAMB/P/ClR/2021/655 dated 03.11.2021, has stipulated that the folios in which PANs is / are not linked to the Aadhar number of the physical security holder as on the notified cut-off date of March, 31, 2022 or any other date as may be specified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes( CBDT), shall be frozen on or after prescribed cut off date .
- Timely and Periodic information/updations/important announcements
- Quick responses over e-mail
- E- Annual Report
- SEBI vide its circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD RTAMB/P/ClR/2021/655 dated 03.11.2021, has stipulated that It shall be mandatory for all holders of physical securities in listed company to furnish nomination documents / details(in eligible folios) to the RTA of the company.
- Please download the Nomination Form.
- Forward the duly filled nomination form to RTA.
ECS provides the following benefits:
- Direct credit of dividend amount in the Bank Account.
- Elimination of postal delays.
- Elimination of loss of dividend warrants in transit.
- Elimination of fraudulent encashment.
- No need of revalidation/duplicate issue of dividend warrants.
If your shares are held in physical form, please send your request to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) with the following details:
- a. Your ledger folio No./Client ID No.
- b. Name of the Bank & Address of the Branch where you maintain a/c.
- c. Your account No. in the Branch to which you want that Dividend/Interest to be credited.
- d. A copy of cancelled cheque of the account to which the Dividend/Interest is to be credited.
- e. On opting for the NECS, your account will be credited directly with the amount of Dividend/Interest as applicable.
Dematerialisation of shares:
- Dematerilasation is the process of converting physical shares (share certificates ) into an electronic form. Demat account is a safe and convenient means of holding securities just like a bank account is for funds.
- It is mandatory to have demat account to undertake trading in securities at recognised stock exchanges.
A. Why Demat A/c ?
- No Risks like forgery, thefts etc. associated with physical certificates
- Instant Purchase/Sale of Shares
- Demat shares can be sold/purchased/transferred anytime during trading hours (Presently 09.15 a.m. to 03.30 p.m.) and payment is credited to Bank account within 2 days (T+2)
- Change in address/Bank accounts details in demat accounts get automatically intimated to the companies, whose shares are lying in the account.
- Securities are transferred by the DP itself, so no need to correspond with the companies.
- New Shares arising out of bonus, split, consolidation, merger etc. are automatically splitted/consolidated/merged in to the demat account.
- At the time of applying for Public Issue of shares, the shares allotted are directly credited to the Demat account.
B. Procedure for opening Demat Account
Shareholder(s) who are having DEMAT account click here
- Please Choose a Depository Participant (DP) of your choice.
- There are various Depository Participants (DPs) operating in the market (like HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank etc.)
- One can also open demat account with SBI Caps Securities Ltd, which is our subsidiary, a Depository Participant (DP), details of which is given below for information: <Address of SBI Cap Securities Ltd.(Head Office)
SBICAP Securities Ltd., Marathon Futurex, Unit No. 1201, B-Wing, 12th Floor, N M Joshi Marg, Mafatlal Mill Compound, Lower Parel East, Mumbai 400013
- Phone no. 022 6854 5555
- 45am to 5.30pm (Mon - Fri)
- Email Id- One can also find list of their branches by visiting following website :
- Once you choose your DP, please open your Demat Account.
Shares in Physical Form
All the shareholders holding equity Shares of SBI in physical form are requested to get their shares dematerialized since holding of securities in physical form is fraught with risk of, misuse by miscreants, loss due to theft, wear and tear, misplacement and most importantly, SEBI has stipulated that transfer/sale of security shall not be processed unless the securities are held in dematerialized form with the Depository w.e.f. 01.04.2019.
a) Dematerialization Guidelines
Dematerilasation is the process of converting physical shares (share certificates) into an electronic form. Demat account is a safe and convenient means of holding securities just like a bank account is for funds.
It is mandatory to have demat account to undertake trading in securities at recognised stock exchanges.
Please refer DEMAT Your Shares for the varied benefits and procedure of dematerialization.
For the convenience of shareholders, procedure/formalities required regarding various routine queries are given below.
Please address all communications with regard to your various requests/issues/queries viz- transfer, transmission, issue of duplicate share certificate to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), M/s. Alankit Assignments Ltd. (for address & contact details please click RTA). Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
b) Transfer of Shares
As per SEBI guidelines effective from 01.04.2019, the transfer of securities shall not be processed unless the securities are held in dematerialized form with the Depository.
c) Transmission of Shares
- 1) Procedure for transmission of shares
- 2) Downloading of forms for transmission of shares
- Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “Share/Bond Transmission Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for transmission of shares.
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
d) Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificate
- 1) 1) Procedure for Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificate
- 2) 2) Download forms for issuance of duplicate share certificate
- Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “Issuance of Duplicate Share/Bond Certificate Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for issuance of duplicate share certificate..
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
e) Non-Receipt of Split Share Certificate (Face Value ₹ 1)
Please refer to procedure given in serial No. (d) above
f) Defaced / Mutilated share certificates
Defaced/mutilated share certificates are not accepted as good delivery in the share market. If your share certificate has been defaced or mutilated, but material parts, like Share Certificate no., number of shares, signatures are intact, you may forward the certificate(s) to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), with a letter signed by all the shareholders, requesting for a new certificate in replacement of mutilated/defaced certificate(s) and also furnish the details of circumstances under which the same was defaced/mutilated. In case any material parts are missing or totally illegible, it will be treated as a case of loss of share certificate and you may have to follow the laid down procedure for issue of duplicate share certificate as detailed under serial No. (d) above.
g)Deletion/Addition of name (deletion of surviving joint holder/addition of any joint holder)
Pursuant to prohibition of transfer of shares in physical form by SEBI wef 01.04.2019, the deletion of surviving joint holder or addition of any joint holder cannot be done
h) Deletion of the Name of the Deceased Joint Holder
An application form signed by the surviving members(joint holders), along with original or attested by gazetted officer/notarised copy of death certificate issued by the competent authority, original share certificate and address/Id proof of of surviving joint holders may be sent to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) and they will issue letter of confirmation after doing the needful provided the documents are found to be in order. Please ensure your signature on the application form is as per recorded with RTA.
Downloading of forms for Deletion of Name from the share certificate
- Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “Deletion of Name Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for deletion of name in the certificate.
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
i) Change/Correction in Name
A shareholder needs to submit a request letter to our RTA for change/correction in name duly signed as per the specimen signature recorded with the RTA against his registered folio along with the share certificate along with the documents as under:
Change in the names of Individuals
- For minor correction in name, affidavit along with supporting documents.
- For major correction in name, original share certificate along with a copy of notification in Official Gazette, certified by notary.
Change in the name consequent upon marriage /divorce/ remarriage
original share certificate(s) together with a copy of marriage certificate / decree of divorce duly attested by competent authorities (Magistrate, Notary Public)
j) Registration of Nominee
Nomination request with RTA can be registered for individual holding share in physical form, either singly or jointly upto two persons by filling in the nomination form duly signed as per the specimen signature recorded with the RTA. On finding the application in order, RTA will register the nomination and advise you accordingly.
Downloading of forms for Registration of Nominee
- Please refer to the link: investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “SH-13 Form - Nomination Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for registration of nominee.
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
k) Change /Updation of Signature & or Address
1) If the shares are held in physical form, please send the ISR-1 form (Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof) and ISR-2 form (Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker) to Bank’s RTA along with supporting documents mentioned in the forms, duly signed by the shareholder.
Downloading of ISR-1 and ISR-2 form
- ISR-1 Form: Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “ISR 1 Form – Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof”
- ISR-2 Form: Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “ISR 2 Form - Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker”
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
2. 2) If the shares are held in dematerialized form, you may contact your Depository Participant (DP) with which your demat account is maintained.
l) Transposition of Shares
Transposition is the change in the order of the names of joint holders in the share certificate. The shareholders are required to send a request letter to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), signed by all the joint holders indicating the new/fresh order in which they want the names to appear in the share certificate, along-with the original Share Certificate. Our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) will verify the signatures of shareholders with the signatures available on record and if satisfied, accede to the request of shareholders and dispatch the Share Certificate to them at their recorded address.
m) Sub-Division of Share Certificates
If desired, share certificate can be sub-divided, subject to guidelines. You may apply for Sub-Division of Shares to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA)., enclosing with the share certificate, duly signed by all the shareholders.
n) Consolidation of folios
i) For the convenience of payment of dividend, transfer etc., it is desirable that the shares held in different folios in the same name be consolidated into one folio. For this purpose, all the original share certificates along with a request letter for consolidation of folios may be sent to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA).
o) Requirement of PAN Card
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide Circular No.SEBI/MRD/DoP/ SE/RTA/ Cir-03/2010 dated January 07, 2010 has clarified that it shall be mandatory to furnish a copy of PAN in the following cases –
- Deletion of name of the deceased shareholder(s), where the shares are held in the name of two or more shareholders.
- Transmission of shares to the legal heir(s), where deceased shareholder was the sole holder of shares.
- Transposition of shares i.e. when there is a change in the order of names in which physical shares are held jointly in the names of two or more shareholders
Further in the said circular, SEBI has clarified that in case of mismatch in PAN card details as well as difference in maiden name and current name (in case of married women) of the investors, the RTAs can collect the PAN card as submitted by the transferee(s). However, this would be subject to the RTAs verifying the veracity of the claim of such transferee(s) by collecting sufficient documentary evidence in support of the identity of the transferee(s).
Face value of State Bank of India share is Rs.1/- at present. Hence all shares with other face values are invalid and, therefore, not tradeable. The Bank had split the face value of its share from Rs.10 to Rs.1 in the year 2014. The new share certificates were sent to the shareholders at their last recorded/known addresses.
If you have not received Rs.1/- face value share certificate
- Please write to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA).
- Please mention Ledger Folio No., Share Certificate No., Number of shares held, your current address & contact details along with supporting documents towards identity/address proof viz. self-attested copies of PAN, Aadhaar, Passport, Driving License etc.
- Please ensure that request is invariably sent under the name and signature of registered shareholder(s) only and ensure that in all of your communications, signature of shareholder on request letter is same as recorded with RTA.
- On receipt of your request along with the requisite documents, RTA will verify the same and will send you the share certificate if the same returned undelivered, provided details/documents provided are in order. In the event of any discrepancy, RTA will advise you accordingly.
- If the RTA have not received the undelivered certificate, then they will advise you the despatch details. Even after this, if you are unable to locate the same, you need to complete the formalities for issue of duplicate share certificate and submit to the RTA the requisite application and documents. Please refer to the section Shares in Physical Form for guidelines in this regard.
a. Non-Receipt/Loss/Revalidation of Dividend Warrant
- If the shares are held in physical form then write an application to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), under your signature, furnishing details like period for which dividend is not received, expired dividend warrants and ISR-1 Form (which can be downloaded from the top of this page)
- If the shares are held in demat form, and dividend is not received, please re-check and update the Bank details like your account no., MICR code of your branch, residential address, etc in your demat account with your depository participant (DP) and send copy of updated client master list (CML) along with request letter to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA). Ledger Folio No., Certificate. No, Number of shares, change of address, if any,
Unclaimed & Unpaid Dividends are categorised under 2 categories:
Unclaimed & Unpaid Dividends Transferred to IEPF |
Unclaimed & Unpaid Dividends lying with the Bank |
Link to search your unclaimed & Unpaid Dividends |
Click here to search your unclaimed dividends transferred to IEPF |
Click here to search your unclaimed dividend lying with the Bank
Claim Process |
Bank’s IEPF claim related Helpline no: (022) 22740844/41483 |
A. Procedure to claim refund from the Bank Please send your claim for the unpaid/unclaimed dividend as per above list to Bank’s Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) by submitting following documents: (A) In case, the shares are held in electronic/demat form
(B) In Case, the shares are not held in electronic/demat form
- If the shares are held in physical form, please send the ISR-1 form (Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof) and ISR-2 form (Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker) to Bank’s RTA along with supporting documents mentioned in the forms, duly signed by the shareholder. Forms can be downloaded from the top of this page.
- If the shares are held in dematerialized form, you may contact your Depository Participant (DP) with which your demat account is maintained
Write to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), furnishing your Ledger Folio No., residential address, e-mail id, requesting for Annual Report. If you are holding shares in demat form, furnish your Client ID, Depository Participant ID (DPID), name of the Depository Participant & Depository. & e-mail id. Our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) will arrange to send the Annual Report.
Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
- Proxy form in English
- Proxy form in Hindi
- AGM – Attendance Slip in English
- AGM – Attendance Slip in Hindi
Notices/Announcement for Shareholders
Notice/ Announcement Date | Subject of Notice/Announcement | Notice/Announcement/Newspaper Advt. |
15.05.2024 | Declaration of dividend for the F.Y. 2023-24 |
Annexures: |
26.05.2023 | Notice of General Meeting to be held on 19th June 2023 through VC/OAVM and Information on e-Voting | Notice |
22.05.2023 |
Declaration of dividend for the F.Y. 2022-23 |
Annexures: |
23.05.2022 |
Notice of 67th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the State Bank |
Business Standard (Hindi) |
22.05.2022 | Notice of 68th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank to be held on 27th June 2023 at 3:00 p.m. through VC/OAVM and Information on e-Voting | Notice |
21.05.2022 |
Declaration of Dividend, Deduction of Tax and Notice of Book Closure |
18.05.2022 |
Notice of 67th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the State Bank of India (Gazette Publication) |
Gazette Publication |
18.05.2022 |
Notice of Book Closure (Gazette Publication) |
Gazette Publication (for Book Closure) |
17.12.2021 |
Procedure for claiming unpaid/ unclaimed Dividend |
15.12.2021 | Mandatory furnishing of PAN, KYC Details (including email, mobile number and bank account details), Nomination in respect of physical shareholding as per SEBI guidelines to avoid freezing of shareholding and Dematerialization of physical shares. | Notice |
03.12.2020 | Appeal to State Bank of India shareholders conversion of physical shareholding to demat form and updation of details | Notice |
08.07.2021 |
Procedure for claiming unpaid/ unclaimed Dividend |
25.06.2021 | Declaration of Dividend, Declaration of Tax on Dividend and Notice of Book Closure | |
28.05.2021 |
Notice to Shareholders for convening 66th Annual General Meeting on Friday, 25th June, 2021 at 03.00 PM |
25.05.2021 |
09.04.2021 | Notice for Transfer of unclaimed Dividend to IEPF | Notice |
05.02.2021 |
Appeal to State Bank of India shareholders for conversion of physical shareholding to demat form and updating of details. |
14.01.2021 |
Newspaper Advertisement for State Bank of India Shareholders holding Shares in Physical form |
The Economic Times (English) The Times of India (English) |
24.12.2020 |
Notice for transfer of unclaimed dividend to IEPF |
12.12.2020 |
Important Announcement for SBI Shareholders-Claiming of Unclaimed Dividend and Conversion of Physical Shareholding to Demat Form |
03.12.2020 |
Demat your physical shares and update KYC data |
12.05.2020 |
Download notice to Shareholders - Annual Report in electronic form |
Information for Bond Holders
Contact details for Investor Grievances:
State Bank of India Corporate Centre, 14th Floor,
State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Nariman Point Mumbai - 400021,
Telephones : 022 – 22740841 to 48, 41431,41474 ,
E-Mail Id grievances related to Shares and Bonds issued by State Bank of India only)
KFin Technologies Limited
Unit: State Bank of India
Selenium Tower B,
Plot 31 & 32, Financial District,
Hyderabad - 500 032
Toll free: 1800 309 4001
Address of Bonds Trusteeship
IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Asian Building, Ground Floor,
17, R Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate,
Telephones : 022-40807000,
email :
Axis Trustee Services Limited
Axis House,
Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound,
Pandhurang Marg, Worli
Mumbai 400 025
Tel: +91-22-6230 0451
Bondholder Information
- Unclaimed Bond Interests/ Redemptions transferred to Escrow Account
- Unclaimed Bond Interests/ Redemptions transferred to IPEF
- Details of Outstanding Domestic Bonds of State Bank of India
Please update your email and other coordinates with your DP to receive:
Timely and Periodic information/updations/important announcements
Quick responses over e-mail
e-Annual Report
a)Electronic Transfer provides the following benifits:
- Direct credit in Bank Account on the payment date
- No risk of postal delays.
- No risk of loss of documents in transit.
- No risk of loss of documents in transit.
- No risk of fraudulent encashment
b) Transmission of Bondss
n the event of death of the sole bondholder, the information of death must be intimated to Registrar & Transfer Agent, along with the original or attested copy of the death certificate. In such event, legal heirs should submit the Death Certificate and duly prescribed stamped documents/forms by downloading as under:-
Downloading of forms for transmission of bonds
- Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “Share/Bond Transmission Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for transmission of shares.
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
c). Interest
Non-Receipt/Loss/Revalidation of Interest Warrant
- If the bonds are held in physical form then write an application to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA), under your signature, furnishing details like Ledger Folio No., Certificate. No, Number of bonds, change of address, if any, period for which interest is not received, expired interest warrants and ISR-1 Form. (ISR-1 Form can be downloaded from the link available under navigation investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “ISR 1 Form – Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof”)
- If the bonds are held in demat form, and interest is not received, please re-check and update the Bank details like your account no., MICR code of your branch, residential address, etc in your demat account with your depository participant (DP) and send copy of updated client master list (CML) along with request letter to our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA).
d). Change /Updation of Signature & or Address & or Bank Account Details
- 1) In case of bond held in physical form, Please send the ISR-1 form (Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof) and ISR-2 form (Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker) to Bank’s RTA along with supporting documents mentioned in the forms, duly signed by the bondholder.
Downloading of ISR-1 and ISR-2 form- ISR-1 Form: Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “ISR 1 Form – Request for Registering PAN, KYC Details or Changes/Updation thereof”
- ISR-2 Form: Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “ISR 2 Form - Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by the Banker”
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
- 2) If the bonds are held in dematerialized form, you may contact your Depository Participant (DP) with which your demat account is maintained.
e). Issue of Duplicate Bond Certificate
Downloading of forms for issuance of duplicate bond certificate
- Please refer to the link investor relations>>Share Holder Bond Holder information>> “Issuance of Duplicate Share/Bond Certificate Form” for downloading forms to be submitted for issuance of duplicate share certificate.
- Please do mention your contact details including e-mail id while communicating with us or our RTA so as to resolve your query/settle your request expeditiously.
Bond Redemption/Call Option Notices
Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificate - Notices
Newspaper Advertisement for Transfer of Physical Shares
Newspaper Publication Date | Newspaper Publication | ||
27.10.2021 | Business Standard (English) | Business Standard (Hindi) | Nav Shakti (Marathi) |
Last Updated On : Friday, 28-02-2025

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above